Saturday, May 10, 2008

Soundtrack To A Life

Sup y'all. This blog is nothing but the ramblings of my mind about anything and everything. In subsequent posts, the post will be accompanied by a song that is relavent to my subject, which is why I titled this blog "Soundtrack to a Life." This is the soundtrack to my life. I have only been on God's green Earth for 20 short years, yet I have seen and experienced alot in that time. Highs and lows, and everything in between.
As all my friends know, music and writing are my life. So one day I thought to myself, why not combine the two? Not as in songwriting, because I absolutely stink at writing songs. Believe me, I've tried. The results aren't pretty. No, I thought that it would be interesting to write the soundtrack to my life, using songs, and the meanings that I perceive from them. When I listen to music, I listen for all the little things, musically and lyrically. If a song has uninteresting lyrics, chances are I won't like it, regardless of what genre of music I like. It is not a coincidence that my favorite genre of music is hard rock music. It deals with the real stuff, life, death,raw emotion, anger, frustration, love, and happiness. Not many other musical styles can accomplish this. Take for instance rap is the worst genre of music ever invented, in my opinion. Not musically, because the beats are, for the most part, quite good, but for the lyrics. No other genre of music can compare to what rappers say in their music. Everything dirty, everything degrading to human life in general, illegal activities, and generally a "mind in the gutter" mentality. I know it sounds like a sermon from some preacher or something, but in my opinion, it is the truth. Sure, some rock music acts are not much better, but there is no where near the amount in the rock music genre as there is in rap.
Country music is the only other genre that could come close to the lyrical content of rock music. Country music has great lyrics in some songs, but most contain too much of the same old "my dog died, my woman left me, and I'm drinkin' myself to death" mentality for me to like it. Don't get me wrong, there are many country songs I like alot, but it isn't my favorite.
Rock music gets a bad rap (pun intended), because since the 1960's, and 70's, the big thing in rock music was considered "sex, drugs, and rock & roll." I would be lying if I said rock music never dealt with those topics, but if people would just sit down and listen to the lyrics, and actually pay attention to the meanings, rock music would be more widely accepted. However, most people just listen to it maybe once, and don't pay attention to it.
When I listen to music, the songs that catch my ear first are the ones that can apply to my life.
A great song musically is just frosting on the cake. So this is the purpose of this blog, to explain why I like the songs I do, and why I think the things that I do.